In the realm of fostering regenerative tourism, the AGORA Erasmus+ KA2 project aspires steering towards regenerative practices and collaborative partnerships. A pivotal component of this initiative lies in its methodological approach for collecting best practices. Let’s delve into the key activities of this objective that epitomizes this commitment to transformative tourism.
The first facet of this comprehensive framework is the exploration of existing regenerative tourism experiences from local producers. AGORA’s partnership aimed to identify and document five best practices in this category per partner, shedding light on initiatives that epitomize regenerative tourism in action. From community-led conservation efforts to innovative eco-friendly accommodations, these practices will serve as inspirational models for the tourism industry.
Moving on, the project focuses on the synergy between communities, highlighting best national and international practices on collaboration between community partners. By identifying five exemplar practices per partner, AGORA aims to demonstrate the power of unity in driving regenerative tourism. Whether it’s a local community joining hands with international organizations or cross-border collaborations, these practices will form a rich tapestry of cooperative endeavours.
In the digital age, virtual experiences have become integral to promoting local products. AGORA recognizes this and, as part of its deliverable, seeks to curate virtual experiences specifically for the promotion of gastronomy and cultural heritage. Through these virtual experiences, the project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of connecting global audiences with local producers, fostering a sense of community, and promoting regenerative consumption.
A critical aspect of the AGORA project involves addressing challenges and barriers in efforts of developing regenerative tourism experiences. To gain insights into these issues, the project’s consortium conducted interviews with three stakeholders per partner, in partner languages. This activity aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the obstacles faced in implementing regenerative tourism practices and forms the foundation for tailored solutions.
Furthermore, AGORA’s commitment to regenerative tourism extends to the development of a comprehensive guide to this end. Leveraging country profiles derived from both desk research and interviews, the project assembles a regenerative guide for rural food tourism experiences. This guide is going to serve as a roadmap, assisting stakeholders in navigating the complex landscape of regenerative tourism, thus ensuring the longevity of positive impacts.
In a bid to share knowledge and empower a broader audience, AGORA project is designing and developing an open education resource. This resource will be soon including a dedicated section showcasing best practices and the aforementioned guide. By disseminating this information, the project aspires to create a ripple effect, inspiring individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide to embrace and champion regenerative tourism.
In conclusion, the AGORA Erasmus+ KA2 project’s methodological framework reflects a holistic and forward-thinking approach to regenerative tourism. Through the diligent exploration of best practices, collaborative partnerships, virtual experiences, and the identification of barriers and challenges, AGORA is laying the groundwork for a more regenerative and inclusive future for the tourism industry.